Mama Said

Mama Said

We are thrilled to host Merlyn Bost for the entire month of October in our Pure Space Gallery. 

The vibrant colors and striking portraits are an absolute delight!


Q: How would you describe your art?
Answer: Colorful. I have an abiding love of color.

Q: How have you evolved as an artist?
Answer: Brief Bio/ my art story

I call Winston Salem, NC home. I moved here with my parents from Pennsylvania at age 3. My father was a professional artist and my mother was a professional singer. Growing up, our home was full of creativity and music. With visual art and performance art in the gene pool, how could I avoid the arts? Following formal art studies and various jobs, in 1990 I finally settled into the art of paper-making. I created two and three-dimensional artworks of handmade paper, exhibiting throughout the United States & acquiring numerous awards along the way. From 1990 to 2010 I continued paper making as an art form. During this time, I also designed greeting cards. I created a unique line of handmade art cards that could be found at Neiman Marcus, Barney’s, MOMA gift shop, and throughout Europe & Asia. Paper-making, although physically demanding, was my first love. Arthritis forced me to choose alternative mediums. Painting has proven to be a great choice!

Merlyn lives in Winston Salem, NC with her Tar Heel husband, Mike, and their Standard Poodle, Annie.

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